About Us
Welcome to Julia Street Community Church.
- We are a family of God striving to live out our love for Christ by loving people and reaching the world.
- Our core values from which we strive to fulfill this mission are to be a church family that is Christ Centered, Authentic, Welcoming, Compassionate, Serving and Connected… all of which speak of community.
- We have a deep passion to not only live authentically for Christ but to also bring His love to our neighbourhoods, our communities, our province, our nation, and our world in visible and tangible ways.
- We fully acknowledge that we are not there yet and quite possibly will never get there, but then again that is the joy of the journey – striving to be better than we were yesterday and setting a goal before us that will have to be obtained by the generations that follow.
- After you have had a chance to browse our site please feel free to connect with us regarding any questions you might have or better yet, come visit us on Sunday morning for a great time of worship.
- Our 10:00am morning service is casual, warm and welcoming and goes for about an hour and a half. We join together for a time of singing, praying and studying God’s word followed by a time of coffee and refreshments downstairs.
- You can also join us on-line (Facebook or YouTube) every Sunday morning at 10:20am to listen to Pastor Don’s message.
Looking forward to meeting you
Serving Him together as He leads us on
Pastor Don
Our Pastor
I’ve been living in the grace, mercy and love of Jesus since November 3, 1982. A lot of living and blessing and growing and heartbreak and healing has passed my way. I’m stronger in my faith because of the life He has called me to live these past 40+ years.
Don Huston
Lead Pastor
I’ve pastored in three different churches (Youth Pastor, Church Planter and Lead Pastor) for a total of 20 years in pastoral ministry. I’ve also served as a Registered Clinical Counsellor for 15 years which took place between my time as a church planting and a lead pastor. I’ve witnessed the depths of human pain and suffering as well as the deep healing and restorative power of Christ in the broken lives that He has allowed to cross my path.
My deepest prayer is to witness individuals, couples and families experiencing the profound love, grace and mercy of Christ is such a powerful life changing way that they are freed up to love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength and in turn, to learn how to love themselves and their neighbours with Christ’s love.
Our Vision
We are a Christ honouring, Spirit filled family of God
serving the community and the world around us through visible expressions of Christ’s love and compassion.
Our Mission
We purpose to live out our love for Christ
by loving people and reaching the world.
Our Values
We value being a church family that is:
- Christ Centered – a church family that believes in and teaches the fullness of God’s truth without compromise.
- Authentic – a church family that genuinely lives out the truth of God’s word in relationship with each other as well as with the local and global community.
- Welcoming – a church family that opens their doors to all ages, from all walks of life, welcoming them with genuine love and caring.
- Compassionate – a church family that gives of its time, its giftings and its resources to help meet the mental, spiritual, relational, physical, and emotional needs of individuals and families both in and outside of our church community.
- Serving – a church family that purposes to discover its God given gifts and abilities, creating opportunities for these giftings and abilities to be used in service to God, to each other and to the community.
- Connected – a church family that purposes to create opportunities for people to connect with one another through small groups, main gatherings, ministry opportunities, and outreach to the community at large.
Our Beliefs
We Believe…
- The Bible is the inspired Word of God
- In one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- In the virgin birth, the atoning death and the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ
- In salvation through the blood of Jesus alone, received solely by faith and not dependent on our own efforts
- In baptism by immersion in water and observing the Lord’s Supper
- In divine healing through the redemptive work of Christ
- In the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit
- In living Christ honoring lives, the present day reality of the baptism in the Holy Spirit according to Act 2:4 and the gifts of the Holy Spirit
- In the second coming of Jesus Christ and that the redeemed will spend eternity in heaven with Him
We also adhere to the Statement of Essential & Fundamental Truths of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.
Our Affiliation with the PAOC
We are honoured to be affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.
The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada is a Fellowship of more than 1,100 churches across English- and French-speaking Canada. More than 235,000 people across the nation attend services in more than 40 languages, and we are pleased to provide ministerial credentials for more than 3,500 pastors and ministry leaders. We’re also here to help facilitate the vital work of spreading the good news of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and bringing hope and help to those in need in Canada and around the world.