
Worship Ministry

Our JSCC family loves to gather together on Sunday mornings as an expression of our community love for Jesus our Lord. Our worship team helps to facilitate these moments of community worship. At the moment, we have three worship leaders who lead one Sunday a month. On the third Sunday of the month, we have a YouTube set of worship songs that we sing along to.

Life Groups

We value meeting together throughout the week to study, pray, and connect with each other. Life group topics are always changing depending on the leader and or the desires of the groups that are meeting.

Contact Pastor Don to discover what Life Groups are currently meeting.  

Family Ministries

**We are in the process of looking for a Family Ministries Pastor to oversee our ministry programs for children, youth and young families.** 

For now, children and youth remain in the service with their parents.

We do have a nursery area for parents to sit with their younger children.

Here at Julia Street Community Church we absolutely LOVE our kids!

We believe that children are an important part of the Kingdom of God and should have a space to learn about him in a way that they can understand.

Our Goal at JSCC is to provide that space where kids can have fun and be safe, so they can learn more about God, make friends, and grow.

Our mission and vision statement for our next gen ministries is this –

“To partner with parents and families to disciple the next generation and help them find their identity in Christ. By showing Christ’s love and compassion through building relationship and fostering community.”

We are also Certified with “Reduce the Risk” through Sanctuary Plus to keep everyone safe.